The 78-Story Treehouse: Moo-vie Madness! | 拾書所

The 78-Story Treehouse: Moo-vie Madness!

$ 280 元 原價 280

Andy and Terry live in a 78-story treehouse. (It used to be a 65-story treehouse, but they just keep building more levels!) It has a drive-thru car wash, a courtroom with a robot judge called Edward Gavelhead, a scribbletorium, a combining machine, an ALL-BALL sports stadium, a high-security potato chip storage facility, and an open-air movie theatre with a super-giant screen . . . which is a very useful thing to have now that Terry’s going to be a big-shot movie star!

After Andy gets cut out of the movie, he and Terry have a big fight and decide they don’t want to be best friends anymore. But with a herd of sneaky spy cows out to steal all their story ideas, can Andy and Terry make up before it’s too late?


安迪 (Andy) 和特裡 (Terry) 住在一座78層的樹屋裡。(它曾經是一個65層的樹屋,但他們後來不斷增建更多的樓層!) 它有一個免下車洗車服務區,一個法庭加上一位機器人法官,名叫愛德華·加塞爾黑德 (Edward Gavelhead), 一個塗鴉,一個組合機器,一個「ALL-BALL」體育場,一個高安全性的馬鈴薯片儲存設施,和一個露天電影院與一個超級巨大的螢幕…這是一個非常有用的事情, 現在特裡將成為一個大明星!



Age Range: 6 - 10 years

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