The Pharaoh Key | 拾書所

The Pharaoh Key

$ 315 元 原價 315

"I just want to be crystal clear about this: if it has value, we're gonna steal it. Are you with me?" Effective Engineering Solutions has been inexplicably shut down and the head of the company, Eli Glinn, has all but vanished. Fresh off a diagnosis that gives him only months to live, Gideon Crew is contacted by one of his coworkers at EES, Manuel Garza, who tells him the two have mere hours to collect their belongings before the office closes forever. After years of dedicated service and several high-risk missions, theirs seems like the most ignoble of terminations-until Gideon and Garza happen upon an incredible discovery.

After centuries of silence, a code-breaking machine at EES has cracked the long-awaited translation of a centuries-old stone tablet, the Phaistos Disc, that dates back to an otherwise completely unknown, ancient civilization. The mysteries of the message itself hint at incredible treasures, and perhaps even a world-altering secret.

No one remains at EES to take on this most remarkable mission but Gideon and Garza. The two agree to solve the mystery of the disc's message and split the spoils: the perfect parting gift their employer doesn't know he has given. What lies at the end of the trail may save Gideon's life-or bring it to a sudden, shocking close. As Gideon and Garza soon discover, some missions are more dangerous than others. But as Gideon has proved again and again, there's no such thing as too great a risk when you're living on borrowed time.

「我只想清楚了解這一點:如果它有價值,我們就會偷它。你懂我的意思嗎?」 Effective Engineering Solutions (EES) 公司已被莫名其妙地關閉,公司負責人伊萊·格林 (Eli Glinn),已經人間蒸發。剛出爐的診斷書判定吉迪恩·克魯 (Gideon Crew)只有幾個月的壽命,他在EES公司的一位同事曼努埃爾·加爾薩 Euel Manuel Garza聯繫他,告知他兩人在辦公室永遠關閉之前只有幾個小時收拾他們的財物。經過多年的專注服務和幾次高風險任務,這似乎是最卑鄙的終結 – 直到吉迪恩和加爾薩有了令人難以置信的發現。
經過幾個世紀之久的沉默,EES公司的一台解碼的機器破解了一塊人們期待已久的數百年歷史的石片,即「斐斯托斯圓盤」 (Phaistos Disc),它可以追溯到一個完全未知的古老文明。 信息本身的奧秘暗示著令人難以置信的寶藏,甚至可能是一個改變世界的秘密。
除了吉迪恩和加爾薩,沒有人留在EES接受這個非凡的任務。這兩個人同意解開光盤信息的神秘面紗並分割戰利品:雇主不知道他送了這個完美的告別禮物。 線索盡頭的秘密可能會拯救吉迪恩的生命,或者讓它突然、令人震驚地結束。 正如吉迪恩和加爾薩很快發現的那樣,有些任務比其他任務更危險。 但是,正如吉迪恩一再證明的那樣,當你依靠借來的時間活下去時,沒有甚麼事是太大的風險。


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