Marvel Studios Visual Dictionary (精裝版) | 拾書所

Marvel Studios Visual Dictionary (精裝版)

$ 1,120 元 原價 1,120

Join Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, and the Guardians of the Galaxy on a stunning journey through the Marvel Cinematic Universe! DK is bringing its expertise in creating beautiful illustrated non-fiction to this modern pop culture phenomenon; Marvel Studios: The Visual Dictionary shows the world of the Avengers as it has never been seen before.

Iron Man's armour, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s helicarriers, the soaring towers of Asgard, Hawkeye's bow, Thor's hammer, mighty Thanos and the Infinity Stones, Star-Lord's quad blasters - each subject is shown using beautiful movie stills and stunning prop photography, accompanied by engaging text explaining their key features and role in the Marvel saga. A unique and captivating showcase of the first ten years of Marvel Studios, this is the book that every Marvel movie fan has been waiting for!

加入美國隊長,雷神,鋼鐵俠,黑寡婦和銀河守護者,穿越漫威電影宇宙,享受驚人的旅程!DK正在為這一現代流行文化現象創造美麗的插圖非虛構小說; Marvel Studios :視覺詞典顯示復仇者聯盟的世界,從未出現過。

鋼鐵俠的盔甲,SHIELD的螺旋槳,Asgard高聳的塔樓,Hawkeye的弓,Thor的錘子,強大的Thanos和無盡的石頭,Star-Lord的四驅爆炸 - 每個主題都使用精美的電影劇照和令人驚嘆的道具攝影展示,伴隨著吸引力 文本解釋他們在漫威傳奇中的主要特徵和角色。 Marvel工作室前十年的獨特而迷人的展示,這是每個Marvel電影迷都在等待的書!



Age Range: 8 years +

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