We Are the Gardeners (精裝版) | 拾書所

We Are the Gardeners (精裝版)

$ 760 元 原價 760
Gaines一家人的園藝生活,從一株蕨類植物開始,從如何照料植物,到幫植物們找到適合生長的地方,Gaines一家人經過不斷的嘗試與努力,Gaines家的後院,成為一個生意盎然,生機蓬勃的美麗花園。跟著Gaines一家人的腳步,搭配插畫家Julianna Swaney的優美水彩插圖,除了能夠學習到園藝知識外,更能讓我們於書頁中,感受園藝之美。
In We Are the Gardeners, Joanna and the kids chronicle the adventures of starting their own family garden. From their failed endeavors, obstacles to overcome (bunnies that eat everything!), and all the knowledge they've gained along the way, the Gaines family shares how they learned to grow a happy, successful garden. As it turns out, trying something new isn't always easy, but the hardest work often yields the greatest reward. There are always new lessons to be learned in the garden!
You and your children can learn all about the Gaines family's story of becoming gardeners in Joanna's first children’s book—starting with the first little fern Chip bought for Jo. Over the years, the family's love for gardening blossomed into what is now a beautiful, bustling garden.
Julianna Swaney’s illustrations bring the Gaines family garden to life with colorful, whimsical watercolors and invite you to enjoy the beauty of a thriving garden.

Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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