Can’t Catch Me! | 拾書所

Can’t Catch Me!

$ 395 元 原價 395

★ 李貞慧《親子大手拉小手,跟著繪本快樂學英文》推薦繪本

“I’m the fastest mouse in the world!” Jake claims. “I’m like the wind. I am faster than lightning!” But will speed alone keep boastful Jake from being caught by a cat, a fox, a wolf, or a bear? “Can’t catch me!” he shouts.

Well, clever Old Tom Cat will just have to see about that. . . . Expressive and energetic illustrations pair with a fun cumulative text in a mischievous story that begs to be read aloud.

「我是世界上最快的老鼠!」 傑克聲稱道, 「我就像風一樣。我比閃電還要快!」但是,只有速度讓自誇的傑克 (Jake) 不會被一隻貓、一隻狐狸、一隻狼或者是熊抓住?「不能抓住我!」他喊道。
好吧,聰明的老湯姆貓 (Old Tom Cat) 只需要稍加留意 … 富有表現力和充滿活力的插圖,與一個增添趣味的文本搭配在一個惡作劇的故事中。這本書需要大聲朗讀。



Age Range: 3 - 5 years

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