Car, Car, Truck, Jeep | 拾書所

Car, Car, Truck, Jeep

$ 395 元 原價 395

★ 李貞慧《親子大手拉小手,跟著繪本快樂學英文》推薦繪本

Car, Car, Truck, Jeep This book is bursting with cars, buses, planes, trains, trucks, diggers and many more things that go. Add to that a text that is read aloud to the tune of 'Baa, Baa, Black Sheep' and ... What a combination! Car, car, truck, jeep, have you any fuel? Yes, sir, yes, sir, three tanks full.

One for the red bus, one for the train, and one for the pilot in her jumbo jet plane. With bold, colourful illustrations by the instantly recognisable Nick Sharratt and text by talented newcomer Katrina Charman, vehicle-obsessed little ones will never want to put this book down.


《Car, Car, Truck, Jeep》這本書充斥著汽車、公共汽車、飛機、火車、卡車、挖掘機以及其他更多的東西。隨著文本,大聲朗讀 “ Baa, Baa, Black Sheep ”以及.....”好棒的組合!” “汽車,汽車,卡車,吉普車,你有什麼燃料嗎?”“是的,先生,是的,先生,三輛油罐車滿滿的。”
一個給紅色公共汽車用,一個給火車用,一個給大型噴射飛機的飛行員。 本書有著名的尼克·沙拉特 (Nick Sharratt) 大膽、色彩鮮豔的插圖以及才華橫溢的新人卡特麗娜·查曼 (Katrina Charman) 的文字。對車輛痴迷的小傢伙永遠不會想要放下這本書。


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