The Peacock Emporium | 拾書所

The Peacock Emporium

$ 340 元 原價 340

In the sixties, Athene Forster was the most glamorous girl of her generation. Nicknamed the Last Deb, she was also beautiful, spoiled, and out of control. When she agreed to marry the gorgeous young heir Douglas Fairley-Hulme, her parents breathed a sigh of relief. But within two years, rumors had begun to circulate about Athene's affair with a young salesman.

Thirty-five years later, Suzanna Peacock is struggling with her notorious mother's legacy. The only place Suzanna finds comfort is in The Peacock Emporium, the beautiful coffee bar and shop she opens that soon enchants her little town. There she makes perhaps the first real friends of her life, including Alejandro, a male midwife, escaping his own ghosts in Argentina. The specter of her mother still haunts Suzanna. But only by confronting both her family and her innermost self will she finally reckon with the past--and discover that the key to her history, and her happiness, may have been in front of her all along.

在六十年代,雅典娜·福斯特 (Athene Forster) 是她這一代最迷人的女孩。綽號為 ”Last Deb”,她漂亮、但被寵壞了、為所欲為。當她同意嫁給奢華的年輕繼承人Douglas Fairley-Hulme時,她的父母終於鬆了一口氣。但不到兩年,關於雅典娜與一位年輕推銷員的緋聞的謠言已經開始傳開。
三十五年後,蘇珊娜·皮科克 (Suzanna Peacock) 正在為她臭名昭著的母親的遺產而苦苦掙扎。 蘇珊娜唯一能找到安慰的地方是孔雀商店 (The Peacock Emporium),這是她開的美麗咖啡館複合商店,很快讓整小鎮著迷。 在那裡,她結交了可能是她生命中第一個真正的朋友,包括亞歷杭德羅 (Alejandro)。他是一名男性助產士,在阿根廷逃離自己的鬼魂。 她母親的陰影仍困擾著蘇珊娜。 但是,只有面對她的家庭和她內心的自我,她才會最終想到過去並發現她的過去那段歷史,而且她的幸福的關鍵可能一直都在她面前。


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