The Punishment She Deserves | 拾書所

The Punishment She Deserves

$ 350 元 原價 350

The cozy, bucolic town of Ludlow is stunned when one of its most revered and respected citizens--Ian Druitt, the local deacon--is accused of a serious crime. Then, while in police custody, Ian is found dead. Did he kill himself? Or was he murdered?

When Barbara Havers is sent to Ludlow to investigate the chain of events that led to Ian's death, all the evidence points to suicide. But Barbara can't shake the feeling that she's missing something. She decides to take a closer look at the seemingly ordinary inhabitants of Ludlow--mainly elderly retirees and college students--and discovers that almost everyone in town has something to hide.

A masterful work of suspense, The Punishment She Deserves sets Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers and Inspector Thomas Lynley against one of their most intricate cases. Fans of the longtime series will love the many characters from Elizabeth George's previous novels who join Lynley and Havers, and readers new to the series will quickly see why she is one of the most popular and critically acclaimed writers of our time. Both a page-turner and a deeply complex story about the lies we tell, the lies we believe, and the redemption we need, this novel will be remembered as one of George's best.


當一位最受尊崇和尊敬的公民 - 當地執事伊恩·德魯特(Ian Druitt)被指控犯有嚴重罪行時,舒適,田園般的小鎮拉德洛(Ludlow)讓人震驚。然後,在被警察拘留期間,伊恩被發現死了。自殺?還是被謀殺了?
當芭芭拉·哈弗斯被派往拉德洛調查導致伊恩死亡的一系列事件時,所有證據都指向是自殺。但芭芭拉無法擺脫似乎這裡頭缺少某些東西的感覺。她決定仔細觀察拉德洛看似普通的居民 - 主要是退休老人和大學生 - 並發現鎮上幾乎每個人都有隱藏的東西。


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