The High Season | 拾書所

The High Season

$ 595 元 原價 595

No matter what the world throws her way, at least Ruthie Beamish has the house. Located by the sea in a quiet Long Island village, the house is her nest egg—the retirement account shared with her ex-husband, Mike, and the college fund for their teenage daughter, Jem. The catch? To afford the house, Ruthie must let it go during the best part of the year.

It’s Memorial Day weekend and the start of what Jem calls “the summer bummer”: the family’s annual exodus to make way for renters. This year, the Hamptons set has arrived. Adeline Clay is elegant and connected—and will never need to worry about money. Before long, she demonstrates an uncanny ability to help herself to Ruthie’s life. Is Adeline just being her fabulous self, or is she out to take what she wants?

When an eccentric billionaire, his wayward daughter, a coterie of social climbers, and Ruthie’s old flame are thrown into the mix, the entire town finds itself on the verge of tumultuous change. But as Ruthie loses her grasp on her job, her home, and her family, she discovers a new talent for pushing back. By the end of one unhinged, unforgettable summer, nothing will be the same—least of all Ruthie.


無論世界如何丟棄她,至少Ruthie Beamish擁有這座房子。這座房子位於海邊一個安靜的長島村莊,是她的居所 - 與她的前夫邁克共享退休財產,以及為他們的十幾歲女兒傑姆提供的大學基金。了解了嗎?為了買得起房子,Ruthie必須在一年中最好的時候脫手。

這是陣亡將士紀念日的周末,以及傑姆稱之為“夏日無賴”的開始:這個家庭每年都會給租房者預備住房。今年,漢普頓集團已經到來。 Adeline Clay優雅且相互聯繫 - 永遠不需要擔心錢。不久之後,她表現出一種不可思議的能力來幫助自己完成Ruthie的生活。 Adeline只是一位特好的人為了自我,還是她想取得她要的東西?

當一個古怪的億萬富翁,他任性的女兒,一群社交登山者和Ruthie的舊情人被混合在一起時,整個城鎮都處於動盪變化的邊緣。但是當Ruthie失去對工作,家庭和家庭的把握時,她發現了一種推陳出新的才能。在一個令人心煩意亂,令人難忘的夏天結束時,沒有什麼會是同樣的 - 至少對露西而言是如此。


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