Pick Three: You Can Have It All 選3哲學 | 拾書所

Pick Three: You Can Have It All 選3哲學

$ 470 元 原價 595

In this motivational handbook—both a business how-to and self-help guide—the New York Times bestselling author of Dot Complicated takes on the fallacy of the "well-balanced" life, arguing that the key to success is learning to be well-lopsided.

Work. Sleep. Fitness. Family. Friends. Pick Three.

In an increasingly demanding world, we’ve been told that we can do everything—maintain friendships, devote ourselves to work, spend time with family, stay fit, and get enough sleep. We just need to learn to balance it all. Randi Zuckerberg doesn’t believe in being well-balanced. We can’t do it all every day, she contends, and trying to do so only leaves us frustrated and feeling inadequate. But we can succeed if we Pick Three.

Randi first introduced the concept of Pick Three in a tweet—"The Entrepreneur’s Dilemma"—that went viral. Now, in this book, she expands on her philosophy and inspires others to follow her lead. From entrepreneurs to professionals, busy parents to students, Randi can help everyone learn to reject the unrealistic burden of balance and enjoy success in their own lives—by picking the most important areas to focus on in any given day.

This practical handbook includes stories from Randi’s career learning that there’s no such thing as a perfect balance—as well as insights and examples from other professionals at the top of the biggest businesses in Silicon Valley, new moms searching for permission to focus on family, and recent graduates convinced they should have it all under control, including Arianna Huffington, Reshma Saujani, Laurie Hernandez, and Brad Takei. We can’t have it all every day, and that’s okay, Randi reminds us. Pick Three is her much-needed guide to learning to embrace the well-lopsided life.


這部激勵人心的手冊,既是商業指南,也是自助指南。 《紐約時報》暢銷書《Dot Complicated》作者提出了「平衡」生活的謬誤,認為成功的關鍵是學會和不平衡和諧共處。

在一個要求越來越高的世界裡,我們通常被告知我們可以做任何事情,例如保持友誼、全心地投入工作、與家人共度時光、保持健康、獲得足夠的睡眠等等。我們只需要學會平衡這一切。蘭迪·紮克伯格 (Randi Zuckerberg) 不相信有平衡這種事。她認為,我們不能每天都做到這一切,並且試圖這樣做只會讓我們感到沮喪和感到不適。但如果我們只選擇三項,就能成功。
蘭迪首先在一條推文中介紹了「選三」(Pick Three) 的概念是「企業家的困境」,目前已被大量轉傳。現在,在這本書中,她延伸了她的哲學,並激勵其他人跟隨她的領導。從企業家到專業人士、忙碌的父母到學生,蘭迪可以幫助每個人學會拒絕不切實際的平衡負擔,並在自己的生活中享受成功,並且通過挑選最重要的領域來關注任何一天。
本實用手冊包括蘭迪 (Randi) 職業生涯學習到的故事,就是沒有完美的平衡。書中還包含其他專業人士的見解和例子,例如矽谷最大企業高層專業人士、尋求允許關注家庭的新手媽媽們、相信自己應該控制一切的新畢業生。這些人士中包括阿麗安娜·赫芬頓 (Arianna Huffington)、雷什瑪·索亞尼 (Reshma Saujani)、勞麗·埃爾南德斯 (Laurie Hernandez ) 和布拉德·塔基 (Brad Takei)。我們無法每天都擁有它,沒關係,蘭迪提醒我們,「選三」(Pick Three) 是必要的指南,用以學習良好和諧擁抱不平衡的生活。


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