Spinning Silver | 拾書所

Spinning Silver

$ 595 元 原價 595

With the Nebula Award–winning Uprooted, Naomi Novik opened a brilliant new chapter in an already acclaimed career, delving into the magic of fairy tales to craft a love story that was both timeless and utterly of the now. Spinning Silver draws readers deeper into this glittering realm of fantasy, where the boundary between wonder and terror is thinner than a breath, and safety can be stolen as quickly as a kiss.

Miryem is the daughter and granddaughter of moneylenders, but her father’s inability to collect his debts has left his family on the edge of poverty—until Miryem takes matters into her own hands. Hardening her heart, the young woman sets out to claim what is owed and soon gains a reputation for being able to turn silver into gold.

When an ill-advised boast draws the attention of the king of the Staryk—grim fey creatures who seem more ice than flesh—Miryem’s fate, and that of two kingdoms, will be forever altered. She will face an impossible challenge and, along with two unlikely allies, uncover a secret that threatens to consume the lands of humans and Staryk alike.

原本創作已廣受讚譽,娜歐蜜.諾維克 (Naomi Novik) 拜獲得「星雲獎」(Nebula Award) 的《盤根之森》(Uprooted) 之賜,開啟了職業生涯的新篇章。他鑽研童話的魔力,精心打造一個永恆、完美的愛情故事。 《紡銀子》(Spinning Silver) 讓讀者更深入地了解這個閃閃發光的幻想領域,其中奇蹟和恐怖之間的界限薄如呼吸,安全像親吻一樣可以迅速被偷走。
米雷姆 (Miryem) 家族世世代代都以放款人為職,但她父親經營不善無力償還債務,使家人處於貧困的邊緣,直到米雷姆決定放手一搏去改變命運。這位年輕女子心意堅定,開始索討被欠的金錢,並很快獲得了能夠將銀子變成黃金的名聲。
當這個不明智的吹噓引起冷酷又古怪的鄰國國王斯塔里克 (Staryk) 的注意時,米雷姆以及兩個王國的命運將因此徹底改變。她將面臨一個不可能的挑戰,並與兩個不太可能的盟友結合,去揭開一個可能吞噬人類和斯塔里克土地的秘密。


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