Who Was Che Guevara? 切.格瓦拉 | 拾書所

Who Was Che Guevara? 切.格瓦拉

$ 210 元 原價 210

His very image has become associated with a spirit of rebellion, but Ernesto Guevara--known around the world simply as Che--didn't dream of becoming a revolutionary.

Author Ellen Labrecque takes readers on a journey through Che's life starting with his childhood in Argentina, to his travels through South and Central America as a young physician, and ending with his final years as a key player in the Cuban revolution.

His legacy--as the author of The Motorcycle Diaries, a champion of the poor, and a force for change in Cuba--is both personal and political.

他的形像已經與反叛精神聯繫在一起,但埃內斯托·格瓦拉 (Ernesto Guevara) ,  世人都以「切」(Che) 簡稱他,沒有夢想成為一名革命家。

作者艾倫·拉布雷克(Ellen Labrecque)帶領讀者踏上了「切」的生活之旅,從他在阿根廷的童年開始,到他作為年輕醫生在南美和中美洲旅行,並以他作為古巴革命的關鍵角色的最後幾年結束。
作為《摩托車日記》(The Motorcycle Diaries) 的作者、窮人的擁護者和古巴變革的力量,他的留下的創作遺產,既是個人遺產,也是政治的遺產。


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