Borka: The Adventures of a Goose With No Feathers | 拾書所

Borka: The Adventures of a Goose With No Feathers

$ 395 元 原價 395

小鴨子Borka從一生下來就和她的兄弟姊妹長得不大一樣。她沒有羽毛,渾身上下光溜溜的。爸爸媽媽焦急地帶她去看醫生;媽媽甚至還幫她打了一件灰毛衣。 可是,她還是沒辦法學飛。冬天到來,其他的鴨子成群飛走了,留下孤單的Borka。

Borka為了找個地方過夜,搖搖晃晃地走上停泊在岸邊的船,沒想到就這樣展開一段奇遇。 不大一樣的大小朋友,或許能夠由Borka的經歷,看見生命早就為每個人埋藏的神奇種子!

Once upon a time there were two geese called Mr and Mrs Plumpster. Each Spring they returned to the marshes of their ancestors, and Mrs Plumpster laid her eggs. Soon six fine young Plumpsters hatched: Archie, Freda, Jennifer, Oswald, Timothy and Borka. 

But Borka was different. Borka had no feathers and could not fly. When winter came the other geese flew off in search of warmer climates, leaving Borka all alone. But her adventure was only just beginning . . .


Age Range: 5 - 7 years

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