慈祥的Bowling媽媽在 暴風雨過後的樹林裡,撿到了一隻被從巢裡吹落的小鳥。她細心的照顧他,餵他吃最好的巧克力,給他圍最好的暖被,讓他坐最好的娃娃車,還幫他取了一個好聽的名字:Augustus。但巧克力,暖被跟娃娃車真的是Augustus要的嗎?書中除了可愛逗趣的圖片,Black也用溫暖不帶批評的文筆提醒小朋友,照顧自己喜歡的人或小動物時,不只要想什麼是最好的,也要想什麼是對對方最好的喔。
One bright spring morning, after a night of gales in the great woods, Angela Bowling discovers a small helpless bird who has fallen from his nest. Determined to help, she scoops the creature up and bears him home.
From that day forth, Angela lavishes all her nurturing care and attention upon the bird. Augustus is wrapped in the softest of blankets and is fed the finest of foods. He travels in style in an elaborate basket, or in his magnificent pushchair. Nothing is too good for Angela's little loveykins.
And when Augustus becomes too large for his blankets, or his basket, or his pushchair, Angela builds him a shed of his very own. All is well, until one fateful night when the storms rage through the great woods once again . . .