Springfield 1880 | 拾書所

Springfield 1880

$ 280 元 原價 280

With a handful of murderous rogues, Captain Jed Foster has run off with four wagons containing new Springfield rifles, bayonets, and ammunition meant to resupply the troops at Fort Bowie in Arizona Territory. Foster plans to sell the weapons to the highest bidder—whether it’s Apaches, Mexican revolutionaries, or Confederate veterans who still dream of destroying the Union. But that’s the least of Foster’s problems . . .

His junior officer, Lieutenant Grat Holden, is coming after him. With the help of an ornery ex-sergeant known as “Hard Rock” Masterson and fiery guerilla fighter Soledad, the young lieutenant will face off with war chiefs, banditos, and cutthroat outlaws. That’s just for starters. Then he’s got to take down a man who has enough guns for a small army . . .


傑德·福斯特 (Jed Foster) 隊長帶著少數兇殘的流氓,乘坐四輛貨車逃跑,裡面裝有新的春田步槍、刺刀和彈藥,目的在為亞利桑那州領地的鮑伊堡 (Fort Bowie)重新補給軍備。福斯特計劃向最高出價者出售這些武器,無論它是阿帕奇人(Apaches),墨西哥革命者,或南方聯邦退伍軍人,這些人仍然夢想著摧毀北方聯邦。但這只是福斯特最小的問題......
他的下級軍官格拉特·霍頓 (Grat Holden) 中尉正在追捕他。 在一名被稱為「硬石」(Hard Rock) 的前下士馬斯特森 (Masterson) 和暴躁的游擊隊戰士索萊達 (Soledad) 的幫助下,這位年輕的中尉將面對戰爭首領、匪徒和兇殘的亡命之徒。這只是初考驗。接著,他必須打倒一個有足夠槍枝供給一整個小型部隊的對手...


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