Bee-Wigged | 拾書所


$ 245 元 原價 245

Jerry Bee 是隻長得跟小孩一樣大的蜜蜂,牠非常想要跟人類交朋友,但是人們根本就不敢接近牠。有天Jerry Bee在路上撿到假髮,戴上假髮後,牠看起來就像個小男孩,因為外貌的改變讓牠交到了越來越多的朋友! 因為Jerry Bee 善良又熱心助人,大家決定幫牠舉辦場遊行,但遊行途中一陣風吹走了假髮,揭開牠的真實樣貌,大家見狀紛紛逃離,就在此時,掉在地上的假髮突然出聲了,.Jerry Bee會因此變回孤單的蜜蜂嗎? 假髮又為何會發出聲音呢? ..

All Jerry Bee wants is to make friends, but that's hard to do when you're the most enormous bee anyone has ever seen.

Then a wig changes Jerry's life - when he puts it on. he looks just like a boy! jerry creates a buzz with his kindness and generosity, and for the frist time, he has friends. But when Jerry's identity is revealed, will he go back to being just a large and lonely bee?


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