Who Is Oprah Winfrey? 歐普拉.溫芙蕾 | 拾書所

Who Is Oprah Winfrey? 歐普拉.溫芙蕾

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We all know Oprah Winfrey as a talk-show host, actress, producer, media mogul, and philanthropist, but the "Queen of Talk" wasn't always so fortunate. She suffered through a rough childhood and went on to use her personal struggles as motivation. Oprah's kindness, resilience, and determination are just some of the many reasons why her viewers--and people all around the world--love her. The richest African American person of the twentieth century, Oprah is often described as the most influential woman in the world.


(Oprah Winfrey)是脫口秀節目主持人、女演員、製片人、媒體大亨和慈善家,但是“脫口秀女王”並不總是那麼幸運。 她經歷了艱難的童年,然而她繼續以個人的挫折為動力。 奧普拉的友善,韌性和決心是她的觀眾和全世界人民愛她的眾多原因中的一部分。 奧普拉(Oprah)是20世紀最富有的非洲裔美國人,被譽為世界上最有影響力的女性。

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