The Frame-Up 瘋狂美術館 | 拾書所

The Frame-Up 瘋狂美術館

$ 280 元 原價 280

Filled with devious plots, shady characters, and a grand art heist, this inventive mystery-adventure celebrates art and artists and is perfect for fans of Night at the Museum and Blue Balliett’s Chasing Vermeer.

School Library Journal said, “This middle grade read paints fantasy, humor, and mystery into a satisfying tale about the power of friendship.”

There’s one important rule at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery—don’t let anyone know the paintings are alive. Mona Dunn, forever frozen at thirteen when her portrait was painted by William Orpen, has just broken that rule.

Luckily twelve-year-old Sargent Singer, an aspiring artist himself, is more interested in learning about the vast and intriguing world behind the frame than he is in sharing her secret. And when Mona and Sargent suspect shady dealings are happening behind the scenes at the gallery, they set out to uncover the culprit. They must find a way to save the gallery—and each other—before they are lost forever.

With an imaginative setting, lots of intrigue, and a thoroughly engaging cast of characters, The Frame-Up will captivate readers of Jacqueline West’s The Books of Elsewhere series. Booklist said, “This chapter book’s most memorable element is also its most unusual: the imaginative conviction that art is alive.” Includes images of the real paintings featured in the book.


充滿曲折的情節,陰暗的人物和宏偉的藝術搶劫,這個富有創造力的神秘冒險活動的目的,主要是在慶祝藝術和藝術家,非常適合博物館之夜和Blue Balliett的Chasing Vermeer粉絲迷。

比弗布魯克美術館(Beaverbrook Art Gallery)有一個重要規則-不要讓任何人知道這些畫還存在著。蒙娜·鄧恩(Mona Dunn)在威廉·奧本(William Orpen)畫肖像的時候永遠凍結了十三歲,她剛剛打破了這一規則。

幸運的是,十二歲的薩金特·辛格(Sargent Singer)本人是一位有抱負的藝術家,他對了解框架背後廣闊而有趣的世界比對分享自己的秘密更感興趣。當莫娜(Mona)和薩金特(Sargent)懷疑在畫廊的幕後進行黑幕交易時,他們便著手發現罪魁禍首。他們必須找到一種保存畫廊的方法,然後再將其永久保存。

憑藉富有想像力的背景,大量吸引人和引人入勝的角色陣容,The Frame-Up將吸引杰奎琳·韋斯特(Jacqueline West)的《其他地方的書》系列的讀者。書單說:“本章書中最令人難忘的元素也是其最不尋常的:藝術是活著的想像力。”包括書中精選的真實繪畫的圖像。

Age Range: 8 - 12 years

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