Tailspin | 拾書所


$ 315 元 原價 315

Rye Mallett, a fearless "freight dog" pilot, will fly in the foulest weather, day or night, and deliver the goods safely to their destination. So when he's asked to fly into a completely fogbound northern Georgia town and deliver a mysterious black box to a Dr. Lambert,, he doesn't ask questions.

More trouble than inclement weather awaits him. A sabotage attempt on his plane that causes him to crash land, and then he's greeted by Dr. Brynn O'Neal, who claims she was sent for the box in Dr. Lambert's stead. Despite Rye's "no-involvement" policy, he's irresistibly drawn to the intrigue surrounding his cargo . . . and to the mysterious and alluring Brynn.

Soon Rye and Brynn are in a treacherous forty-eight-hour race to deliver the box. With law enforcement officials to hired thugs hot on their heels, they must learn to trust each other so they can protect their valuable cargo from those who would kill for it.


黑麥·馬萊特(Rye Mallett),一個無所畏懼的“貨運狗”飛行員,將在白天或夜晚甚至在最惡劣的天氣中飛行,並將貨物安全地運送到目的地。 即便是蘭伯特博士的神秘黑匣子,他不問任何問題。
等待他的是比惡劣天氣還要大的麻煩。 飛機上的一次摧毀活動幾乎使其墜毀,然後布賴恩·奧尼爾博士向他打招呼,後者聲稱是由蘭伯特博士接替她送來的。 儘管黑麥採取了“不參與”的政策,但他對他的貨物周圍的陰謀卻不可抗拒...和神秘而誘人的布賴恩(Brynn)。

很快地,Rye和Brynn參加了一場危險的48小時運送箱子行動。 執法人員也僱用暴徒跟蹤他們,他們必須學會彼此信任,以便保護自己的寶貴貨物免受那些人的傷害。


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