Big Sky Wedding | 拾書所

Big Sky Wedding

$ 315 元 原價 315

Wedding bells are ringing in Parable, Montana, but Brylee Parrish hasn’t enjoyed the sound since being jilted at the altar by Hutch Carmody. She’s over Hutch now, and running a multimillion-dollar business is challenging enough for this country gal. So she should avoid falling head over boot heels for A-list actor Zane Sutton. He’s come home to his rodeo roots, but Hollywood lured him away once and just might again. Yet everything about him, from his easy charm to his concern for his young half brother, seems too genuine to resist…

Zane didn’t come to Parable for love—but count on a spirited woman to change a jaded cowboy’s mind. Problem is, Brylee’s not convinced he’s here to stay. Good thing he’s determined to prove to her, kiss by kiss, that she’s meant to be his bride.


婚禮鐘聲在蒙大拿州的帕羅伯 (Parable) 小鎮響起,但是自從被哈奇·卡莫迪(Hutch Carmody) 臨陣逃婚甩掉之後,布萊莉·帕裡什 (Brylee Parrish) 就再也沒有享受過這種聲音。她現在已經擺脫困境了,而經營一家價值數百萬美元的企業對這個鄉下姑娘來說已經具有足够挑戰性了,所以她應該避免為一流演員贊恩·薩頓(Zane Sutton)而神魂顛倒。雖然他回到了牛仔競技圈,但好萊塢卻一次又一次地吸引他。然而,他身上的一切,從他輕鬆的魅力到他對同父異母弟弟的關心,似乎都太真誠,無法抗拒……
贊恩(Zane)並不是為了愛情來到帕羅伯,而是指望一個有朝氣的女人來改變一個疲憊的牛仔的想法。 問題是,布萊莉(Brylee)不相信他會留在這裡。 他決心向她證明,好好親吻她,證明她注定是他的新娘。


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