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$ 315 元 原價 315

Nell’s Cowboy

Nell Bishop, widowed mother of two children, is turning Twin Canyons into a dude ranch. One of her first guests is Travis Grant: a celebrity of sorts, a wannabe cowboy and an Easterner known for his books about the West. Her kids adore him—and she has to admit she’s drawn to him, too. But it’s too soon to be thinking of love and marriage again. Isn’t it?

Lone Star Baby

When Amy Thornton shows up in town pregnant and alone, she’s looking for some guidance and compassion, so she turns to Reverend Wade McMillan. He might be a minister, but he’s also a man. An unmarried and very attractive one. But is it as a man that he responds to Amy? Or as a man of God? Maybe it’s both. Amy needs the town’s help to get back on her feet. What she wants is the love of a man named Wade…


內爾的牛仔 (Nell’s Cowboy)
內爾·畢曉普(Nell Bishop)是一位有兩個孩子的喪偶母親,正在將「雙子峽谷」 (Twin Canyons) 變成一個城裡人的度假牧場。她的第一批客人其中一位是特拉維斯·格蘭特(Travis Grant):一位名人,一位想成為牛仔的人和一位以西方小說而著稱的東方人。 她的孩子們崇拜他,她還必須承認自己也被他吸引。 但是現在再次考慮愛情和婚姻還為時過早。不是嗎?
孤星寶貝 (Lone Star Baby)
當艾米·桑頓(Amy Thornton) 懷孕獨自出現在鎮上時,她正在尋求指引和同情,於是她求助於韋德·麥克米倫牧師(Reverend Wade McMillan)。 他是一個牧師,但也是一個男人。 一個未婚的,非常有吸引力的男人。 但是,他對艾米的回應是以一個男人的身分? 還是以神職人員的身分? 也許兩者都有。 艾米需要鎮上的幫助才能重新站起來。 她想要的是一個名叫韋德的男人的愛...


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