Cowboy Rebel | 拾書所

Cowboy Rebel

$ 280 元 原價 280

The next heartwarming romance in this USA Today bestselling series proves it’s tough to resist a sexy cowboy with a Texas drawl and heart of gold! Includes a bonus novella by Annie Rains!

Ever since losing his best friend in a motorcycle accident, Taggart Baker wants to make every moment count. No dare is too dangerous, no adventure too crazy for this cowboy. But after one bad brush with the law, he realizes it’s time to ditch his hooligan friends and grow up. Now he’s running his own ranch next to the Longhorn Canyon spread in Texas. Still, no one would ever call him tame.

Nikki Grady has worked too hard for her RN license just to throw it away for some reckless cowboy who shows up in her emergency room after a barroom brawl. But she can’t help being drawn to Tag’s sense of humor and those crystal blue eyes. The more time they spend together, the more she sees his good heart. But just as Tag seems ready to settle down for good, his troubled past comes calling-and this time he won’t be able to walk away so easily.


這本《今日美國》暢銷系列的下一部令人心動的浪漫故事證明,德克薩斯州的迷人牛仔和安妮·雷恩斯(Anne Rains)額外精心贈送的小說是很難不令人心動的。

自從在一次摩托車事故中失去了最好的朋友,塔格特·貝克(Taggart Baker)希望珍惜每一刻。這位牛仔變得不冒險,也不敢冒險。但是,在對法律一無所知之後,他意識到是該拋棄流氓朋友的時候了,自己該成長了。現在,他在德克薩斯州的長角峽谷附近經營自己的牧場。不過,沒人會認為他已經可以控制自己。

妮基·格雷迪(Nikki Grady)為獲得RN執照而辛勤工作,但是為了一個魯莽的牛仔而把它放在一旁。 但是她忍不住被Tag的幽默感和那雙晶瑩剔透的藍眼睛所吸引。 他們在一起的時間越長,她越能看到他的善良。 但是,正當塔吉(Tag)似乎準備好永久安頓下來之際,他過去的困境也隨之而來-這次他將無法如此輕鬆地走開。


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