Burning Daylight | 拾書所

Burning Daylight

$ 280 元 原價 280

Johnstone Country. Where Legends Fight or Die.

Bounty hunter Luke Jensen has always relied on his guns, his brains, and his guts to bring in the deadliest outlaws in the West. But when a family needs his help, he’ll have to use something else: his heart . . .


Luke Jensen has seen some sorry looking bounties in his time, but this one takes the cake. A wanted poster is offering a reward of one dollar and forty-two cents—plus one busted harmonica—to capture Three-Fingered Jack McKinney. Turns out, McKinney’s twelve-year-old son Aaron wants revenge on his daddy for abandoning him and his mom. The reward is all the money Aaron can scrape together. Luke can’t say no to the poor boy—or his beautiful mother—so he agrees to go after McKinney and his bank-robbing gang.

Good deeds, however, are like good intentions—the road to hell is paved with them. And when Aaron McKinney decides to tag along, it puts Luke in the middle of a father-and-son reunion that’s life-or-death, blood-for-blood, and kill-or-be-killed. . . .


約翰斯通 (Johnstone) 國。傳說中戰鬥或死亡之地。
賞金獵人盧克·詹森(Luke Jensen)始終依靠槍支、大腦和膽量抓捕西部地區最兇惡的亡命之徒。但是當一個平凡家庭需要他的幫助時,他將不得不使用其他法寶:他的心......
盧克·詹森(Luke Jensen)曾在他過去的時代看到過一些令人遺憾的賞金,但這個人舉足輕重無人能及。一名通緝的海報提供了1美元和42美分的獎勵,外加一個破口琴,以捕捉三指傑克·麥金尼 (Jack McKinney)。原來,麥金尼(McKinney)的十二歲兒子亞倫(Aaron)要報復他的父親,因為他遺棄了他和他的母親。這筆獎金是亞倫能湊齊的所有錢。盧克不能對這個可憐的男孩 (或者他美麗的母親)說不,因此他同意追捕麥金尼和他的搶劫銀行團夥。
然而,善行就像善意一樣,通往地獄的道路是用它們鋪就的。而當亞倫·麥金尼(Aaron McKinney)決定尾隨時,盧克(Luke)陷入了一場生死攸關、血腥、殺戮或被殺的父子重逢......


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