Cutthroats | 拾書所


$ 280 元 原價 280

Not every Western hero wears a white hat or a tin star. Most of them are just fighting to survive. Some of them can be liars, cheaters, and thieves. And then there’s a couple of old-time robbers named Slash and Pecos . . .

Two wanted outlaws. One hell of a story.

After a lifetime of robbing banks and holding up trains, Jimmy “Slash” Braddock and Melvin “Pecos Kid” Baker are ready to call it quits—though not completely by choice. Sold out by their old gang, Slash and Pecos have to bust out of jail and pull one last job to finance their early retirement . . .

The target is a rancher’s payroll train. Catch is: the train is carrying a Gatling gun and twenty deputy US marshals who know they’re coming. Caught and quickly sentenced to hang, their old enemy—the wheelchair-bound, bucket of mean, Marshal L.C. Bledsoe—shows up at the last minute to spare their lives. For a price. He’ll let them live if they hunt down their old gang, the Snake River Marauders. And kill those prairie rats—with extreme prejudice . . .

並非每個西部英雄都戴白帽或佩戴錫的星形徽章。他們大多數只是為了生存而戰。然而有一些可能是撒謊者、騙子和小偷。然後還有幾位像名叫希拉什 (Slash) 和佩科斯 (Pecos) 的搶劫犯…
經歷過一生的搶劫銀行和火車句當之後,吉米·“ 希拉什 (Slash)”·布拉多克 (Jimmy “Slash” Braddock) 和梅爾文·“佩科斯·基德 (Pecos Kid)”·貝克 (Melvin “Pecos Kid” Baker) 已經準備好金盆洗手了,儘管並非完全出於自願。希拉什(Slash)和佩科斯(Pecos)被他們的老幫派夥伴出賣了,他們不得不從監獄裡掙脫出來,幹最後一票來資助他們的提前退休的老本......
目標是一列載運牧場主人工資的火車。陷阱是:火車上裝有加特林 (Gatling) 機槍和20名知道他們要動手搶劫的美國法警。結果他們被捕並迅速被判處死刑,他們的死對頭,坐輪椅的卑鄙小子,法警L.C.布萊索(Bledsoe),在最後一刻出現,挽救他們的生命。代價是:如果他們幫忙追捕他們的老團夥「Snake River Marauders」,他會讓他們活下來。並以極端手段處決那些鼠輩…


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