My First I Can Read : The Best Seat in Kindergarten | 拾書所

My First I Can Read : The Best Seat in Kindergarten

$ 138 元 原價 175

Beginning readers will love this warm introduction to all the excitement and uncertainty of starting kindergarten. From the team who wrote and illustrated The Best Seat in Second Grade, this prequel is a heartfelt story that's perfect for all children getting ready for kindergarten and other big early steps.

It's Sam’s first day of kindergarten, and he's not so sure what to expect. Sam’s teacher, Ms. Tate, takes the class on a nature walk, and at the very end, everyone gets to show off what they found! Sam makes new friends when he helps everyone find interesting things for show-and-tell.

The Best Seat in Kindergarten is a My First I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for shared reading with a child.


新上手讀者會喜歡這個溫馨的介紹,了解開始上幼兒園的興奮和不確定性。 從撰寫和說明“二年級最佳座位”的團隊來看,這個前言是一個令人感動的故事,對於所有準備上幼兒園和其他重要的早期活動的孩子來說,這是完美的選擇。

這是山姆上幼兒園的第一天,他不確定應該期待什麼。 山姆的老師泰特(Tate)女士在戶外的小徑上上課,到最後,每個人都可以炫耀自己發現的東西! 當Sam幫助所有人找到有趣的節目進行表演時,他結識了新朋友。


Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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