Triple Homicide | 拾書所

Triple Homicide

$ 350 元 原價 350

James Patterson’s greatest detectives are together for the first time! Read 3 electrifying thrillers featuring Alex Cross, Michael Bennett, and the Women’s Murder Club.

DETECTIVE CROSS: An Alex Cross Story
An anonymous caller has promised to set off deadly bombs in Washington, DC. A cruel hoax or the real deal? By the time Alex Cross and his wife, Bree Stone, uncover the chilling truth, it may already be too late.... (previously available in print, ebook, and audio)

THE MEDICAL EXAMINER: A Women’s Murder Club Story (with Maxine Paetro)
A woman checks into a hotel room and entertains a man who is not her husband. A shooter blows away the lover and wounds the millionairess, leaving her for dead. Is it the perfect case for the Women’s Murder Club--or just the most twisted? (previously available in print, ebook, and audio)

MANHUNT: A Michael Bennett Story (with James O. Born)
Someone attacked the Thanksgiving Day Parade directly in front of Michael Bennett and his family. The television news called it "holiday terror"--Michael Bennett calls it personal. The hunt is on.... (previously available in print, ebook, and audio)


詹姆斯·帕特森(James Patterson)筆下最偉大的偵探第一次齊聚一堂!閱讀3部驚人的恐怖故事,其中包括: 亞歷克斯·克羅斯(Alex Cross)系列,麥克.班奈特(Michael Bennett)系列,和女子謀殺俱樂部(Women's Murder Club)系列。
偵探克羅斯:亞歷克斯·克羅斯 (Alex Cross) 的故事
一位匿名來電者承諾在華盛頓特區引爆致命炸彈。這是殘酷的惡作劇還是真正的交易?當亞歷克斯·克羅斯(Alex Cross)和他的妻子佈裡·斯通(Bree Stone)發現令人毛骨悚然的真相時,它可能已經為時已晚…(以前有印刷版、電子書版和音頻版)
法醫:女性謀殺俱樂部的故事(與馬克西娜·佩特羅 (Maxine Paetro))
搜捕:麥克.班奈特 (Michael Bennett) 的故事(與詹姆斯·奧本 (James O. Born))


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