Maverick Early Reader 9-Gold: The Coach, the Shoes and the Football | 拾書所

Maverick Early Reader 9-Gold: The Coach, the Shoes and the Football

$ 153 元 原價 180
Raj lives with his evil stepdad and stepbrothers, who make him do all the chores. But when there’s a chance to win a place on famous football coach Peter Prince’s summer camp, maybe Raj will get his happy ending after all!

Raj和他邪惡的繼父及壞哥哥們住在一起,他們經常指使他去做雜務。不過現在似乎有個機會,能讓Raj在有名的足球教練 Peter Prince舉辦的夏令營中贏得勝利,說不定Raj的故事最終會是個美好結局呢!

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