The Creativity Code | 拾書所

The Creativity Code

$ 840 元 原價 840

Yet in many other areas, new developments in AI are shaking up the status quo, as we find out how many of the tasks humans engage in can be done equally well, if not better, by machines. But can machines be creative? Will they soon be able to learn from the art that moves us, and understand what distinguishes it from the mundane?

In The Creativity Code, Marcus du Sautoy examines the nature of creativity, as well as providing an essential guide into how algorithms work, and the mathematical rules underpinning them. He asks how much of our emotional response to art is a product of our brains reacting to pattern and structure, and exactly what it is to be creative in mathematics, art, language and music.

Marcus finds out how long it might be before machines come up with something creative, and whether they might jolt us into being more imaginative in turn. The result is a fascinating and very different exploration into both AI and the essence of what it means to be human.


在許多其他領域,人工智能的新發展正在撼動人類所處的現狀,因為我們發現人類從事的許多任務,用機器同樣可以好好地完成,甚至可以做得更好。 但是機器可以有創造力嗎? 他們很快就能從我們的藝術中學習而感動我們嗎?並了解它對平凡的區別嗎?

Marcus du Sautoy在《創造力守則》中研究了創造力的本質,並提供了有關算法工作原理以及作為其基礎的數學規則的重要指南。 他提出我們對藝術的情感反應是我們的大腦對模式和結構做出反應的產物,以及在數學,藝術,語言和音樂方面發揮創造力的確切含義。

馬庫斯(Marcus)發現機器提出創意之前可能需要多的時間呢,以及它們是否可能使我們反過來變得更具想像力。 結果是一次引人入勝且截然不同的探索,融入了AI人工智能及其對人類的意義。


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