Cheshire Crossing | 拾書所

Cheshire Crossing

$ 525 元 原價 525

Originating as fan fiction from the brilliant imagination of Andy Weir, now brought to vivid life by Sarah Andersen, Cheshire Crossing is a funny, breakneck, boundlessly inventive journey through classic worlds as you’ve never seen them before.

Years after their respective returns from Wonderland, Neverland, and Oz, the trio meet here, at Cheshire Crossing—a boarding school where girls like them learn how to cope with their supernatural experiences and harness their magical world-crossing powers.

But Alice, Wendy, and Dorothy—now teenagers, who’ve had their fill of meddling authority figures—aren’t content to sit still in a classroom. Soon they’re dashing from one universe to the next, leaving havoc in their wake—and, inadvertently, bringing the Wicked Witch and Hook together in a deadly supervillain love match.

To stop them, the girls will have to draw on all of their powers . . . and marshal a team of unlikely allies from across the magical multiverse.

最初由安迪·威爾(Andy Weir)出色的想像力引起的狂熱小說,如今由莎拉·安德森(Sarah Andersen)再次生動地呈現,《柴郡岔口》(Cheshire Crossing) 是一次有趣、突破性、無限的創造力的經典世界之旅,這是您從未見過的。
他們三人分別從仙境 (Wonderland),夢幻島 (Neverland) 和奧茲國 (Oz) 歸來後數年,在「柴郡岔口」(Cheshire Crossing)相遇。這是一所寄宿學校,像她們一樣的女孩人人都要學習如何應付自己的超自然經歷,並運用她們神奇的穿越世界的力量。
但是愛麗絲(Alice)、溫帝(Wendy)和桃樂西(Dorothy),現在是十幾歲的年輕人,愛多管閒事、愛挑戰權威人物,他們不願乖乖坐在教室裡。 不久,她們又立刻開始往返於各個平行世界之間,留下一片混亂,最終不小心把邪惡女巫和虎克船長湊成一對超級壞蛋情侶檔。

Age Range: 8 - 12 years

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