New Cornerstone 2019 Posters 5 | 拾書所

New Cornerstone 2019 Posters 5

  • 編號: gds2019072214023488f
$ 4,500 元 原價 4,500



▌可向上銜接 New Keystone,建立完整美國學校系統課程。

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• 35% new content with a global focus:35% 內容更新,以全新全球視野出發的主題式閱讀,培養世界公民素養。

• Brand new videos exploring the Big Question:全新內容的教學影片,鼓勵學生在各單元中探索Big Question。

• Activities aligned to the GSE:課程活動設計對應「全球英語水平測試標準」 的國際基準。

Simplified grammar presentation and practice:淺顯易懂的文法課程設計。

Brand new engaging design:全新改版的照片及設計,更吸引學生目光。

• Updates Examview on Pearson English Portal:教學資源數位化,更新Examview,準確評估學習成效。


• A 5-level, very-intensive primary course with material for 10+ hours of English per week. A new, improved edition of a popular primary course.

• Three readings per unit help students develop academic skills in a clear and consistent sequence.

• New Cornerstone is a flexible reading and language development program that accelerates student achievement through
scaffolded, sustained instruction and language development strategies.

• It helps gain the highest level of language proficiency and academic success.

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