Turning Point | 拾書所

Turning Point

$ 315 元 原價 315

Bill Browning heads the trauma unit at San Francisco’s busiest emergency room, SF General. With his ex-wife and daughters in London, he immerses himself in his work and lives for rare visits with his children. A rising star at her teaching hospital, UCSF at Mission Bay, Stephanie Lawrence has two young sons, a frustrated stay-at-home husband, and not enough time for any of them. Harvard-educated Wendy Jones is a dedicated trauma doctor at Stanford, trapped in a dead-end relationship with a married cardiac surgeon. And Tom Wylie’s popularity with women rivals the superb medical skills he employs at his Oakland medical center, but he refuses to let anyone get too close, determined to remain unattached forever.

These exceptional doctors are chosen for an honor and a unique project: to work with their counterparts in Paris in a mass-casualty training program. As professionals, they will gain invaluable knowledge from the program. As ordinary men and women, they will find that the City of Light opens up incredible new possibilities, exhilarating, enticing, and frightening.

When an unspeakable act of mass violence galvanizes them into action, their temporary life in Paris becomes a stark turning point: a time to face harder choices than they have ever made before—with consequences that will last a lifetime.


比爾·布朗寧(Bill Browning)是舊金山最繁忙的急診室SF General的創傷科科長。帶著前妻和女兒在倫敦,他沉浸於自己的工作中,並與孩子們進行了罕見的探訪。在其教學醫院裡,一顆慢慢竄起的新星,加州大學舊金山分校的斯蒂芬妮·勞倫斯(Stephanie Lawrence)有兩個年幼的兒子,一個沮喪的全職丈夫,沒有足夠的時間陪伴他們;哈佛教育的溫迪·瓊斯(Wendy Jones)是斯坦福大學專門的創傷醫生,陷入了左右為難的處境。湯姆·威利(Tom Wylie)在女性中的受歡迎程度可與他在奧克蘭醫療中心僱用的精湛醫療技能相媲美,但他拒絕讓任何人過分與其親近,並決心永遠保持獨立。




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