Turn The Ship Around! 當責領導力 | 拾書所

Turn The Ship Around! 當責領導力

$ 615 元 原價 615

Captain David Marquet was used to giving orders. In the high-stress environment of the USS Santa Fe, a nuclear-powered submarine, it was crucial his men did their job well. But the ship was dogged by poor morale, poor performance and the worst retention in the fleet.

One day, Marquet unknowingly gave an impossible order, and his crew tried to follow it anyway. He realized he was leading in a culture of followers, and they were all in danger unless they fundamentally changed the way they did things.

Marquet took matters into his own hands and pushed for leadership at every level. Before long, his crew became fully engaged and the Santa Fe skyrocketed from worst t first in the fleet.

No matter your business or position, you can apply Marquet's approach to create a workplace where everyone takes responsibility for their actions, people are healthier and happier - and everyone is a leader.


戴維·馬奎特(David Marquet)船長習慣於下達命令。在核動力潛艇“聖達菲”號(USS Santa Fe)的高壓環境中,至關重要的是他的士兵們能出色地完成工作。 然而他的陣營機隊中卻表現最差。

有一天,馬奎特在不知不覺中發出了一個不可能的命令,而他的船員還是試圖遵循它。 他意識到自己正在領導一種稱作是追隨者文化,除非他們從根本上改變了他們做事的方式,否則所有人都處於危險之中。

馬奎特將事情掌握在自己手中,並在各個層面上爭取領導。 不久之後,他的船員開始充分參與,聖達菲從艦隊中最糟糕的那一刻脫胎換骨直起飛漲。



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