Someone to Honor | 拾書所

Someone to Honor

$ 280 元 原價 280

Abigail Westcott's dreams for her future were lost when her father died and she discovered her parents were not legally married. But now, six years later, she enjoys the independence a life without expectation provides a wealthy single woman. Indeed, she's grown confident enough to scold the careless servant chopping wood outside without his shirt on in the proximity of ladies.

But the man is not a servant. He is Gilbert Bennington, the lieutenant colonel and superior officer who has escorted her wounded brother, Harry, home from the wars with Napoleon. Gil has come to help his friend and junior officer recover, and he doesn't take lightly to being condescended to--secretly because of his own humble beginnings.

If at first Gil and Abigail seem to embody what the other most despises, each will soon discover how wrong first impressions can be. For behind the appearances of the once-grand lady and the once-humble man are two people who share an understanding of what true honor means, and how only with it can one find love.


阿比蓋爾·韋斯科特 (Abigail Westcott)的父親去世後,她發現自己的父母沒有合法結婚,她對自己未來的憧憬破滅了。但六年後的今天,她享受著獨立自主的生活,一個沒有盼頭的富有單身女人。事實上,她已經變得够自信了,可以膽敢責駡那個粗心的僕人在外面劈柴,卻不穿襯衫,靠近女士們。
但是這個人不是僕人。他是吉爾伯特·本寧頓(Gilbert Bennington),官拜中校和高級軍官,已將她受傷的兄弟哈里(Harry)從拿破崙的戰爭中護送出前線。吉爾(Gil)是來幫助他的朋友和低級軍官康復,但他不會因為自己出身卑微而輕視別人。


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