Captain Underpants #3: Invasion of Incredibly Naughty | 拾書所

Captain Underpants #3: Invasion of Incredibly Naughty

$ 280 元 原價 280

來自外太空的大嘴怪獸假 扮成學校裡的煮飯阿姨,偷偷把學校裡的老師和學生都變成了冷冰冰 的僵屍怪胎,連喬治、哈洛與內褲超人也淪為他們的「階下囚」。
地球就要被外星人毀滅了!這可怎麼辦才好!?趕快來看看,喬治、哈洛與內褲超人這次要 出什麼奇招,才能反敗勝,拯救地球?

George and Harold have played a trick or two on nearly everyone at Jeorme Horwitz Elementary. When their latest prank causes the school;s cranky cafeteria ladies to quit, Mr. Krupp hires a trio of unusual replacements -- who happen to look an awful lot like aliens! Will that curtain-caped crusader, Captain Underpants, save the day once more? Or will those outer-space cafeteria ladies have him for lunch?

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