Robin Hood【Grade 3】(2nd Ed.)(25K經典文學改寫讀本+1MP3) | 拾書所

Robin Hood【Grade 3】(2nd Ed.)(25K經典文學改寫讀本+1MP3)

$ 250 元 原價 250

羅賓漢是英國民間傳說中的俠義人物,從12世紀中葉起,羅賓漢的故事就廣為流傳,在英國是一位家喻戶曉的人物。羅賓漢相傳活躍在1160年至1247年間的英國,住在雪伍德森林(Sherwood Forest),他武藝出眾、機智勇敢,是一位劫富濟貧、行俠仗義的綠林英雄。

Robin Hood is said to have been an outlaw in 12th century England who hid in Sherwood Forest. He is famous for his heroism, his habit of robbing from the rich to give to the poor, his courage in standing up for justice, and his cheerful view of life as shown by his love of nature. Since the 14th century, the moral and philosophical aspects of Robin Hood’s story have appealed to people of all ages.

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