The Age of Innocence(25K彩圖經典文學改寫+1 MP3) | 拾書所

The Age of Innocence(25K彩圖經典文學改寫+1 MP3)

$ 260 元 原價 260

《純真年代》是在第一次世界大戰結束後寫於法國的作品,於1920的一本雜誌上連載。當時華頓已經是知名作家,出過一些小說與短篇小說。這部小說的時空背景設於美國的鍍金時代(Gilded Age),時間上始於1870年代,最後隨著1914年的戰爭而告終。




Wharton wrote The Age of Innocence in France, just after World War I. She was an established writer at the time and had already published a number of novels and novellas. The title refers to a period in American history which had come to an end with the war in 1914.

Indeed, in the book she looks back on her childhood and teenage years in the high society of New York in the 1870s, with its balls, dances and rigid rules. The 1870s in America is also called the Gilded Age: a time when bankers and investors became influential, and the city of New York began to grow rapidly. At that time, society was controlled by powerful families who had strong traditions and strict yet often unwritten rules.

The novel tells the story of the engagement and marriage of May Welland and Newland Archer, and the arrival of Ellen Olenska, the bride’s cousin from Europe. Ellen’s presence leads to a series of complications and threatens the couple’s marriage.

Wharton looks back on this age with irony but without judging any of the characters’ intentions and actions. Apart from her criticism of the workings of upper-class society, there is a pervading sense of sadness over the loss of innocence brought about by World War 1. Wharton’s own life experiences are reflected in the novel from her early memories, to her unsuccessful marriage.

The novel won the Pulitzer Prize in 1921 and inspired several film adaptations, including the renowned 1993 film directed by Martin Scorsese starring Daniel-Day Lewis, Winona Ryder and Michelle Pfeiffer.

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