Max and Friends 1: Call Me Max | 拾書所

Max and Friends 1: Call Me Max

$ 340 元 原價 340

When Max starts school, the teacher hesitates to call out the name on the attendance sheet. Something doesn't seem to fit. Max lets he know the name he wants to be called byƒ‚‚"ƒ‚‚€ƒ‚‚"a boy's name. This begins Max's journey as he makes new friends and reveals his feelings about his identity to his parents. Written with warmth and sensitivity by trans writer Kyle Lukoff, this book is a sweet and age-appropriate introduction to what it means to be transgender.

上學第一天,老師點名,女孩﹙不願意透露姓名﹚被點到了,老師有點嚇一跳,因為眼前的孩子穿著打扮像個男孩,老師以為看錯了。此時她舉手說:「老師 你可以叫我Max嗎?因為我最喜歡故事書人物就叫做Max」,老師點點頭。Max展開她/他的學校生活。她/他發現女生朋友不喜歡爬樹和抓蟲,但是男孩已漸漸習慣她/他進出男廁。她/他的好朋友Stephen甚至覺得,就算Max穿上洋裝,Max還是個男孩


Age Range: 9 + years

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