The Christmas Stories: The Gift of the Magi, The Fir Tree【Grade 1】(25K經典文學改寫讀本+1MP3) | 拾書所

The Christmas Stories: The Gift of the Magi, The Fir Tree【Grade 1】(25K經典文學改寫讀本+1MP3)

$ 250 元 原價 250

《聖誕禮物》一對貧窮愛侶想送一份特別的聖誕禮物給對方,然因手頭拮据而決定變賣自己珍視的物品。故事標題The Gift of the Magi的Magi,是指耶穌誔生時帶來禮物的東方三賢士。藉由閱讀故事,人們能思考聖誕節的真正精神,和那暗中犧牲珍寶換取禮物的夫妻真愛。


Christmas is more than candlelight, banquets, and fancy gifts. In The Gift of the Magi, O. Henry points out that the best Christmas gift is not an expensive present but sincere love. In The Fir Tree, Hans Christian Anderson uses the life of a Christmas tree to emphasize the importance of living in the moment. These stories not only bring readers joy and sorrow, but also teach life lessons from which readers will surely benefit.

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