Reading Stars 2: Dora the Explorer: Let’s Go Camping! (with Access Code for Resource Download) | 拾書所

Reading Stars 2: Dora the Explorer: Let’s Go Camping! (with Access Code for Resource Download)

$ 115 元 原價 115
▌生動有趣的彩圖融入知名卡通情節,跟著Dora the Explorer、 Blaze and the Monster Machines 及Team Umizoomi 的主角一同展開趣味的閱讀之旅。

▌全套共分三個級數,每冊讀本可獨立運用,亦可搭配幼兒主教材Learn English with Dora the Explorer 使用。

▌每級數包含Phonics 讀本及故事讀本。從字母拼讀開始,逐步發展閱讀理解及跨科能力。

▌Phonics 讀本Level 1 介紹字母及發音;Level 2 熟悉短母音的拼讀規則;Level 3 介紹複合母音等進階拼讀規則。




This engaging series of readers features popular characters from the Nickelodeon television series Dora the Explorer, Blaze and the Monster Machines and Team Umizoomi and will support children’s first steps to reading success.

Reading Stars has been designed to guide very young children from their first experience of stories in English towards the goal of reading independently. There are three levels and each level includes story readers and phonics readers.
Language is carefully graded and the amount of text increases gradually across the three levels. Follow-up activities help children to develop a range of reading skills, including phonics skills. There are also links to other curriculum areas such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Math so that children’s English language learning is integrated with their broader educational development.
The Reading Stars series includes:
•  Story books with a picture dictionary and follow-up language and comprehension activities.
•  Phonics story books with a story, picture dictionary and follow-up phonics activities.

Available to download (from inside cover):
•  Audio of the story, picture dictionary and audio for phonics activities.
•  Teacher's Guide with Photocopiable resources.
•  Parent's Guide with Printable resources.
•  Parent's Videos providing support and guidance.

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