★ 李貞慧《繪本裡的千言萬語》推薦書單
有天早上Jim沒來由地感覺到心情很鬱悶,看什麼都不對勁,整個人顯得非常沮喪。森林裡的動物們遇見,跟Jim說" It's such a wonderful day, Why are you grumpy?" 說著說著,好像Jim不得不假裝開心了起來....但即使如此他心裡仍然是不高興。
I'm not gurmpy!!! 放肆完情緒之後,他忽然覺得有點愧疚和難過.....他不懂為什麼自己會有這樣的情緒...直到他遇見另一隻大猩猩....
Jim the chimpanzee is in a terrible mood for no good reason. His friends can't understand it--how can he be in a bad mood when it's SUCH a beautiful day? They encourage him not to hunch, to smile, and to do things that make THEM happy. But Jim can't take all the advice...and has a bit of a meltdown. Could it be that he just needs a day to feel grumpy?
Suzanne and Max Lang's hilarious approach to this very important lesson is now in a toddler-friendly board book format! It is an excellent case study in the dangers of putting on a happy face and demonstrates to kids that they are allowed to feel their feelings (though they should be careful of hurting others in the process!)