I Can Read My First: Fox versus Winter | 拾書所

I Can Read My First: Fox versus Winter

$ 175 元 原價 175

Fox does not like winter. None of his friends are around to play. He is bored and alone. Then Fox has an idea. If he cannot escape winter, he will fight it!

Fox versus Winter is a My First I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for shared reading with a child. Other Fox books include: Fox the Tiger, Fox Is Late, Fox and the Jumping Contest, and Fox and the Bike Ride.


《福克斯與溫特》是《My First I Can Read》的書,非常適合與孩子一起閱讀。其他福克斯的書包括:《狐狸老虎》,《福克斯來晚了》,《福克斯和跳躍比賽》以及《福克斯和騎自行車》。


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