Who Was Kobe Bryant? 柯比.布萊恩 | 拾書所

Who Was Kobe Bryant? 柯比.布萊恩

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Kobe Bryant was just an eighteen-year-old high-school basketball player when he decided to enter the National Basketball Association's draft. Though he was the thirteenth overall pick by the Charlotte Hornets, he would never play a single game for them. Instead, Kobe was traded to the Los Angeles Lakers, where he would spend his entire twenty-season career, winning five championships and numerous awards. Author Ellen Labreque takes readers through each exciting moment, from his iconic dunks to his 81-point game--all the milestones that span Kobe Bryant's legendary career and legacy.

當科比·布萊恩決定加入美國國家籃球協會選秀時,他只是一個18歲的高中籃球運動員。 儘管他當時是夏洛特黃蜂隊的第13順位新秀,他卻沒有為他們打過一場比賽。 取而代之的是,科比被交易到了洛杉磯湖人隊,在那裡他度過了整個二十個賽季的職業生涯,贏得了五次冠軍和許多獎項。作者艾倫·拉布雷克帶領讀者度過每個激動人心的時刻,從他個人特有的扣籃到他的單場81分比賽,紀錄了科比·布萊恩所有個人傳奇的職業和他歷史性的里程碑。


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