Who Was Catherine the Great? 葉卡捷琳娜二世 | 拾書所

Who Was Catherine the Great? 葉卡捷琳娜二世

$ 210 元 原價 210
Learn how a Prussian princess grew up to be Russia's longest-ruling female leader!
Born in 1729, Princess Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbs was never supposed to come to power. But at age sixteen, she married the heir to the Russian throne. By 1762, Sophie, known now as Catherine, overthrew her immature and incompetent husband, Peter III, to lead the nation. Catherine became the sole ruler of Russia.
This exciting Who Was? title explores how Catherine was able to turn Russia into one of the great powers of Europe by expanding its borders, helping improve its educational system, and advocating for the arts. Her three-decade reign is considered the Golden Age of Russia, and she is called Catherine the Great.

出生於1729年的安哈特-采爾布斯特宮的蘇菲公主從未想到掌權。但16歲時,她嫁給了俄羅斯王位繼承人。到1762年,蘇菲(現稱凱瑟琳)推翻了她幼稚無能的丈夫彼得三世來領導該國。 凱瑟琳成為當時俄羅斯的唯一統治者。
這個令人興奮的世界名人傳記《Who Was 系列》 標題揭露凱瑟琳如何擴展國界,幫助改善國家教育體系和倡導藝術,將俄羅斯變成歐洲的大國之一。 她的三個統治時期被認為是俄羅斯的黃金時代,她被稱為凱瑟琳大帝。


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