What Was the Age of Exploration? 地理大發現 | 拾書所

What Was the Age of Exploration? 地理大發現

$ 210 元 原價 210

Before the fifteenth century, European sailors were unsure what waited for them beyond their well-known travel routes around the Mediterranean Sea, so they kept within sight of land. But all of that changed after Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal started sending ships down the coast in the hope of finding a sea route to India and Africa. This was the beginning of a giant leap toward understanding what the globe actually looked like. Certain European nations grew rich and powerful from the New World gold and lands they claimed, while advanced, long-standing civilisations like the Aztecs and Incas were destroyed in the cruelest of ways.

15 世紀前,歐洲水手不確定在他們知名地中海旅遊路線之外等待著他們的是什麼,所以他們一直保持在看得到陸地的視線之內。 但在葡萄牙航海家亨利王子開始派遣船隻沿著海岸尋找通往印度和非洲的海上航線後,所有一切都發生了變化。這是瞭解地球實際外觀巨變的開始。某些歐洲國家擁有的新世界的黃金和他們宣稱的土地,變得富有和強大,而卻以最殘酷的方式摧毀像阿茲特克人和印加人這樣先進、歷史悠久的文明。


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