Breaking News English! A Complete Guide to Understanding English News (2nd Ed.)(菊8 K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)(絕版售完為止) | 拾書所

Breaking News English! A Complete Guide to Understanding English News (2nd Ed.)(菊8 K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)(絕版售完為止)

$ 580 元 原價 580



本書共有38單元,依內容分為新聞英語簡介(Introduction to News English)、英語新聞文體架構(News Media in Detail),及精選新聞與測驗練習(News Articles and Activities)三大類別,詳盡介紹新聞文本英語不同於其他文本的特徵,及其所呈現的特殊用法和結構,並囊括各種新聞專業詞彙用語。

另外也彙整了全球重大新聞與重要議題,以實例協助認識新聞文體中英語的使用特色和變化。全書搭配課前練習(Preview Exercises)與課後複習(Review Exercises),幫助讀者提升新聞內容理解,增加新聞英語字彙。


Preview Exercises 課前練習:以問題討論與詞彙練習等暖身題型,強化讀者對新聞英語的基礎認識,有效掌握本章重點。

Article 新聞文章:網羅各大新聞主題,如政治(Politics)、經濟(Economics)、科技(Technology)、教育(Education)、體育(Sports)、娛樂(Entertainment)、生活(Life)等,以實際新聞文章輔助讀者理解應用。

Review Exercises 課後複習:每則新聞文章後皆有課後複習,包含文意測驗、字彙練習和問題討論,學生可藉由練習題來測試對新聞內容的理解程度。

MP3 MP3學習光碟:隨書附贈課文朗讀MP3,有效提升對專業英語新聞的聽力訓練。


- Reading and vocabulary based on various kinds of authentic English news articles
- Preview and Review Exercises focused on English news and feature articles
- In-depth analysis and information about the special usages and structures of news English
- Suitable for high-intermediate English learners and students in applied English and journalism-related departments.

This book is suitable for high-intermediate English learners and students in applied English and journalism-related departments.

The book consists of 38 chapters that introduce news English from different perspectives, including an Introduction to News English, News Media in Detail, and News Articles and Activities. There are various kinds of authentic English news articles in this comprehensive book, covering a wide range of topic in all fields.

This book aims to teach you about news English. As you read this book, you will learn new vocabulary and styles of news English, be able to read, understand, and talk about news in English, and also improve your reading speed and comprehension skills when reading English newspapers, articles, and magazines.

Basic structures of this book:

Preview Exercises Provide discussion questions focused on the introduction to news features as well as vocabulary studies. These preview exercises will help you understand the special usages, structures, elements, and arrangements of English news articles.

Article Include reading and vocabulary materials based on the various topics of authentic English news articles, including politics, finance, economics, business, science, technology, environment, health, medicine, sports, entertainment, life, travel, education, crime, and war.

Review Exercises Provide questions which improve your understanding of the topic, content, discussion issues, grammar, and vocabulary.


CEFR B2/TOEIC 785/GEPT 中高級 High-Intermediate

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