English Now!:Starter (菊8K+1MP3) (With No Answer Key/無附解答) | 拾書所

English Now!:Starter (菊8K+1MP3) (With No Answer Key/無附解答)

$ 450 元 原價 450


English Now是一套全方位的聽力與口說英語學習教材,透過有系統的規劃與引導,致力幫助讀者有效率地精通英語聽力與口語能力。

English Now: Starter專為英語初學者聽說入門設計,囊括日常生活中最實用的主題,如點餐、天氣、休閒活動、問路等,補充主題相關的字彙、句型,以國中2000字寫成,並融入七、八年級範圍的文法,適合七、八年級彈性課程使用。每單元富含有趣的活動,如雙人問答、製作菜單等,讓學生在互動中自然聽得懂、敢開口,打造自信英語力!

1. Warm Up 暖身練習

2. Speak & Listen 聽說訓練

3. Dialogue 對話模擬

4. Communicate 溝通實戰


English Now! is a comprehensive program that helps English learners effectively enhance their listening comprehension and speaking skills.

English Now! Starter is designed to assist beginners in building their listening and speaking skills. The book features real-life scenarios, colorful illustrations, and abundant pair work activities. With the help of this book, students will be introduced to high-frequency expressions used in discussing everyday topics and acquire new language skills in fun and efficient ways.

Key Features:
16 themed units containing relevant vocabulary that is useful in students' everyday lives

Colorful illustrations that stimulate memorization of vocabulary and add fun to the learning process

Listening exercises that train students to comprehend the key message in a conversation, and MP3 audio featuring native speakers to demonstrate correct pronunciation

Guided speaking activities that help students become familiar with and confident in using the language learned through repetition and interaction

Learn It Today, Use It TODAY!Let's Speak English Now!

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