Who Was Georgia O’Keeffe? 喬治亞.歐姬芙 | 拾書所

Who Was Georgia O’Keeffe? 喬治亞.歐姬芙

$ 245 元 原價 245
Georgia O'Keeffe is famously known for her colorful, large paintings of flowers, but this artist's portfolio expands far beyond Jack-in-the-pulpits. In this book, young readers will learn about O'Keeffe's childhood in Wisconsin and her years as a talented art school teacher. Her years as an artist in both New York and New Mexico, two areas that are heavily represented in her artwork, reveal O'Keeffe's influences. Explore the adventures that inspired O'Keeffe's paintings of skyscrapers, barns, skulls, flowers, and made her into an American art icon of the twentieth century.

佐治亞·歐姬芙(Georgia O'Keeffe)以其色彩繽紛的大型花卉畫而聞名,但這位藝術家的作品不僅止於龍膽花。在這本書中,年輕的讀者將了解歐姬芙在威斯康星州的童年以及她作為才華橫溢的藝術學校教師的歲月。她在紐約和新墨西哥州作為藝術家的歲月,這兩個地區在她的作品中佔有重要地位,揭示了對歐姬芙的影響。探索激發歐姬芙繪畫摩天大樓、穀倉、頭骨和花卉作品的冒險故事,並讓她成為二十世紀美國藝術偶像的旅程。


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