"Of all the things in the world to worry about, why would anyone put the right for women to be rude at the top of the list? It's a fair question. Happily, there is a very simple answer. Because I believe that an inability to be rude is one of the biggest issues which still inhibits the equality of women today."
The Power of Rude will discuss the way women are constantly worrying about being polite, even putting themselves in situations they'd rather avoid due to this fear of saying the wrong thing. For example, we'll learn about the woman who paid for an entire hen do that she wasn't even invited on (because she didn't want to be rude!), the woman who let her cousin practice kissing on her (because she didn't want to be rude!) and the vegan woman who ate an entire pork chop (because she didn't want to be rude!) It will take the reader chapter by chapter through dating, family relationships, sex, the workplace, money, customer service, and more and show women how we can reclaim the word 'rude' and use it to advantage. For decades, women have been called 'bossy' 'hysterical' 'neurotic' in situations where men might simply be dubbed 'assertive.' We need to change the narrative around women and we need to use our voices to take control. Rebecca Reid isn't afraid to show us how.
◎ 設計師替你剪出了可怕的髮型,你默默接受了
◎ 有位朋友欠你錢,你決定假裝忘記,因為不想撕破臉
◎ 努力在職場上、課堂上提出了優異見解,功勞卻成了旁人的
◎ 大家一起參與的活動結束後,只有你收拾善後
◎ 友情必須的斷捨離
◎ 嘴賤與八卦
◎ 如何畫定界線,接受他人畫出的界線
◎ 當你想各付各的,但朋友們都覺得應該總金額均分……
◎ 密友邀請你去一家貴桑桑的居酒屋,但你這個月已經快要吃土了…
◎ 如何借錢給伴侶、朋友
◎ 家裡的衛生紙不會自動出現:關於日常開支的分攤
◎ 直接拒絕,好像有點太尷尬?
◎ Tinder等各種交友軟體
◎ 如何處理假裝、套套、多人、虐待及其他重口味
◎ 因為太想要得到愛,而沒有做出對自己最好的事
◎ 關於「對不起」:請說「謝謝你等待」,不要說「對不起讓您久等」;請說「謝謝你花時間解釋」,不要說「對不起,我沒聽懂」。
◎ 關於終極禁忌話題:薪水、錢、工時
◎ 如何處理「我升職了,他沒升」的罪惡感?
◎ 辦公室老鳥老是叫我小名,或給我取綽號,使我顯得更菜了,該怎麼辦?
◎ 哪些事情應該對另一半有話直說
◎ 見到了另一半的父母,你說話可以再直白一點嗎?
◎ 如何對自己的原生家庭有話直說
◎ 多代同堂的情況如何應付(年節連假)
◎ 當面客訴,還是線上客訴?
◎ 如何清楚說出你的期望
◎ 進入高檔餐廳或精品店:這是屬於我的世界嗎?
◎ 交通、髮型、餐點的直白雷區