The Inevitable 生死的非選題 | 拾書所

The Inevitable 生死的非選題

$ 665 元 原價 665

More states and countries are passing right-to-die laws that allow the sick and suffering to end their lives at pre-planned moments, with the help of physicians. But The Inevitable moves beyond margins of the law to the people who are meticulously planning their final hoursfar from medical offices, legislative chambers, hospital ethics committees, and polite conversation. Further still, it shines a light on the people who help them: loved ones and, sometimes, clandestine groups on the Internet that together form the "euthanasia underground."

Katie Engelhart, a veteran journalist, focuses on six people representing different aspects of the right to die debate. Two are doctors: a California physician who runs a boutique assisted death clinic and has written more lethal prescriptions than anyone else in the U.S.; an Australian named Philip Nitschke who lost his medical license for teaching people how to end their lives painlessly and peacefully at "DIY Death" workshops. The other four chapters belong to people who said they wanted to die because they were suffering unbearablyof old age, chronic illness, dementia, and mental anguishand saw suicide as their only option.

Spanning North America, Europe, and Australia, The Inevitable offers a deeply reported and fearless look at a morally tangled subject. It introduces readers to ordinary people who are fighting to find dignity and authenticity in the final hours of their lives.


凱蒂·恩格爾哈特 (Katie Engelhart) 是一位資深記者,專注於代表死亡權辯論不同方面的六位人士。其中兩人是醫生:一位是加州的醫生,他經營一家精品輔助死亡診所,開出的致命處方比美國其他任何人都多;一位名叫菲利普·尼奇克(Philip Nitschke)的澳洲人因在「DIY死亡」研討會上教人們如何無痛、和平地結束生命而被吊銷行醫執照。其他四章講述的是那些說自己想死的人,因為他們正遭受難以忍受的痛苦——年老、慢性病、癡呆和精神痛苦——並將自殺視為唯一的選擇。


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