TOEFL MAP ACTUAL TEST Speaking iBT托福實測:口說篇(1書 + MP3) | 拾書所

TOEFL MAP ACTUAL TEST Speaking iBT托福實測:口說篇(1書 + MP3)

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TOEFL MAP ACTUAL TEST Speaking iBT托福實測:口說篇(1書 + MP3)

【本書特色】 試題難易度及命題範疇最接近官方考試 全方位建構托福口說滿分地圖 本書共包含 12 回完整的托福口說測驗模擬試題,試題之難易度、長度、學科主題和題目的類型,皆與 TOEFL iBT 真題一致,是考生備考、檢測實力不可或缺的擬真試題本。各回內容特色如下: ■ TASK 主題安排不偏頗,考生可充分熟習口說測驗之頻出議題。 ■ NOTE-TAKING 整合型試題的部分,提示了閱讀和聽力的筆記要領;獨立型試題的部分,除了筆記要領和答題思路引導,另收錄與該主題相關、有可能會出現的多元試題 (RELATED TOPICS) 供考生加強練習。 ■ SAMPLE ESSAY & TIPS for SUCCESS 考量考生們實際能進行口說的程度,提供難易適當的作答範例。特別是問贊成/反對的問題和要求選擇意見時,分別提供各個範例回應,考生可藉此分析出符合自己意見的最好回應方式。而在作答時應注意的小細節或技巧,都隨機彙整在 TIPS for SUCCESS中。 ■ MP3 各回測驗題之 MP3 錄製方式皆比照正式測驗,含題型說明、預留閱讀時間、答題指示及作答時間,考生可視需求,於學習前後反覆模擬正式測驗情境。


【】 Susan Kim - BMus, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada - TOEFL instructor at Kaplan, Korea Michael A. Putlack - MA in History, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA - Expert test developer of TOEFL, TOEIC, and TEPS Lee Cheong - BA in English Language and Literature, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea - Tesol Certificate, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea - Advanced Business English Certificate, Adelphi University, New York, USA Stephen Poirier - Candidate for PhD in History, University of Western Ontario, Canada - Certificate of Professional Technical Writing, Carleton University, Canada


◎ 作者序 ◎ TOEFLR iBT的口說測驗評分標準 ◎ 口說測驗/應試技巧大公開 ◎ Actual Test 01 ‧Independent Task Musician / Where to Raise Children ‧Integrated Task Basketball Court Usage / Psychology: The Peak-End Rule / Finding a Book / Pathology: The Human Immune System ◎ Actual Test 02 ‧Independent Task Clothes Shopping / Reading the Newspaper ‧Integrated Task Posters around Campus / Business: Target Marketing / A Problem with a Roommate / Biology: Group Feeding ◎ Actual Test 03 ‧Independent Task Nervousness / Money for Household Chores ‧Integrated Task Free Airport Bus / Biology: Vertical Migration / Registering for a Course / Biology: Adaptations to Arctic Conditions ◎ Actual Test 04 ‧Independent Task Healthy Children / New or Old Buildings ‧Integrated Task Borrowing Art Books / Sociology: Technical Incapacity / Choosing a Job / Ecology: Wetland Animals ◎ Actual Test 05 ‧Independent Task The Most Important Item / Learning about One’s Ancestors ‧Integrated Task Computer Laboratory Fee / Business: Sensory Marketing / Going Home for the Holidays or Not / Biology: Mutualism ◎ Actual Test 06 ‧Independent Task Characteristics / Carrying a Cell Phone ‧Integrated Task No Cell Phones in the Library / Psychology: Negative Ideation / Getting Extra Shifts / Business: Product Designs ◎ Actual Test 07 ‧Independent Task A Good Period in Life / Solving Problems ‧Integrated Task Building Renovations / Business: Advertising / Taking Online Classes / Biology: Insect Defenses ◎ Actual Test 08 ‧Independent Task Improving Learning Environments / Children Cell Phone Usage ‧Integrated Task Fall Break / Economics: Opportunity Cost / Too Many Courses / Biology: Animal Defenses ◎ Actual Test 09 ‧Independent Task Tools / Listening to Music ‧Integrated Task Banning Bicycles from Sidewalks / Philosophy: Logical Consequences / Volunteer or Workshop / Biology: Mountain Animals ◎ Actual Test 10 ‧Independent Task Best Aspect of the Last School / Influential Person ‧Integrated Task Dormitory Quiet Policy / Business: Mental Accounting / Choosing a School / Biology: Loon Feathers ◎ Actual Test 11 ‧Independent Task Achievement / Team or Individual Sports ‧Integrated Task School Shuttle Buses / Psychology: Assimilation / Joining a Project / Business: Business Financial Setbacks ◎ Actual Test 12 ‧Independent Task Food / Work at the Large or Small Company ‧Integrated Task No Exercising on the Commons / Economics: Pricing Techniques / Moving to a New Dormitory / Psychology: Childhood Play ◎ Listening Scripts & Translations

ISBN: 9789869204415

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